Q. How many points are awarded for each challenge?

A. 10 points for the challenge plus 1 point for each cat it beats (absentee and withdrawn cats excluded) plus 1 for itself, up to a maximum of 20 points. For example if your cat is the only male of its colour, it would be eligible for 11 points. If a cat is awarded "Best in Show" then the number of points is amended to the maximum of 20 points.


Q. How many points are needed for a cat to be granted its next title?

A. A cat needs 60 points to become a champion, 60 more for Grand Champion, 60 for Double Grand Champion then the increment is 100 points for Bronze Double Grand Champion, Silver Double Grand Champion and Gold Double Grand Champion. Any excess points count toward the next title. Challenge certificates issued by any recognised Council may be used to qualify for a QICC title up to Gold DGC.


Q. Can I add the title to my cat's name as soon as it has the required number of points?

A. No! You must first send an application on the appropriate form with the required payment to the Higher Status Officer. Once this is done you can then use the new title.


Q. Can my cat get any awards after it has reached Gold DGC?

A. Once a cat becomes a Gold Double Grand Champion at a QICC show it no longer receives any more challenges but it competes with other Gold Double Grand Champions for a GDGC Award towards the higher award of QICC Diamond DGC requiring 10 gold awards. Then it needs a further 15 gold awards for the each of the two following titles of Argyle then Opal. Only QICC GDGC awards may be used. Other Councils do give similar awards but as each council has its own unique rules for these, award certificates from another council can't contribute toward the QICC Diamond/Argyle/Opal DGC title (or the Platinum DGC title from QFA or FCCQ).


Q. What does "Associate Membership" mean?

A. As a registered member you will be able to attend and vote, or elect a proxy to vote on your behalf, at all general or open meetings of QICC Inc. A person holding membership in another cat council may only become an Associate Member. Associate Members may not vote on matters affecting QICC Inc. or apply for any experimental breeding.


If you have any suggestions for appropriate questions please email them to the Web Master


This list of FAQs is also available for download in .doc format here